现代公共经济学研究中心 读书会·第二期

2018-11-02 10:26:43

演讲者 张朝阳 地点 1号楼302室
讲座时间 11月8日14:00-16:00

题目:Regulation and Distrust

作者:Philippe Aghion, Yann Algan, Pierre Cahuc, Andrei Shleifer

文献出处:The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2010, 125(3): 1015–1049.

主讲人:张朝阳 博士




内容摘要:In a cross section of countries, government regulation is strongly negatively correlated with measures of trust. In a simple model explaining this correlation, distrust creates public demand for regulation, whereas regulation in turn discourages formation of trust, leading to multiple equilibria. A key implication of the model is that individuals in low-trust countries want more government intervention even though they know the government is corrupt. This paper tests this and other implications of the model using country- and individual-level data on trust and beliefs about the role of government, as well as on changes in beliefs during the transition from socialism.

